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Eu te amo

à minha filha, Daniele Freire

A realistic and heartwarming illustration of a father and his young adult daughter, both Afro-descendants, walking together on a peaceful street or a public square. The father looks at his daughter with pride, while the daughter carries a book against her chest, symbolizing knowledge and love. The background features a serene urban setting with trees, benches, and soft lighting, evoking a sense of calm and connection. The characters have detailed facial expressions and a natural, candid interaction, representing a warm paternal bond.

E, às vezes,
um "eu te amo" inesperado
te molha no meio do caminho.


Sem proteção,
você percebe:
não havia outro jeito.


Há muito,
nuvens densas e calorosas de atenção
se formavam no céu.

Dir Lopes
Enviado por Dir Lopes em 16/01/2025
Alterado em 16/01/2025
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